Day 113: It must be the upcoming Royal Wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton, but for some reason Claire and I have been having a lot of TEA...parties, that is! Claire really loves a good tea party, which is made even more special when we use her special Alice in Wonderland tea set. Bring on the crumpets!

Day 114: It's Easter Sunday! Our neighbor snapped this cute family picture of us on our way home from church this morning. Easter was the perfect reason to take a day off from the office renovations and just relax! We chowed down on chocolate left by that crazy bunny and enjoyed the day together.

Day 115: A special Easter surprise from Mom & Dad were new roller blades for Emma & Joe(Claire got the super cool "kitty" helmet). They've been mastering their skills ever since!

Day 116: Guess who's in the 3rd grade spelling bee? That's right...Emma scored within the top 25 kids in her class on a written spelling test, so now she gets to compete in a live spelling bee on May 23rd! I think she's up for the challenge; c-h-a-l-l-e-n-g-e; challenge!

Day 117: So I mowed the grass today...I think this is the 3rd time I've mowed the grass since I married Tio 13 years ago. But it was a necessity. Look at how long it is! I just had to snap a picture. It's a jungle out there!

Day 118: Tio started the stonework on the new front desk...and I think it looks amazing! I can't wait to see how the whole reception room comes together!

Day 119: Here is our budding artist, pointing to her piece on display in the school's annual Art Show. This girl has talent!