Monday, September 6, 2010

Extreme CLAIRE Makeover...

What do you get when you leave Claire upstairs alone with her sister and an unlimited supply of make-up and hair products? TA-DA! Supermodel Claire!

Believe it or not, this make-up routine is a weekly occurrence in the Paci house...and I would get rid of the stuff if it didn't make them so darn happy! The barrettes are a new thing...this is the first time I've seen such an elaborate 'do. It didn't last, though...soon I began to find trails of barrettes through the house, like Hansel & Gretel's breadcrumbs.

It won't be long before I don't find their make-up routines so amusing...I guess I'll enjoy the artistry while I can...and I'll stock up on make-up removing wipes!

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1 comment:

  1. We love "makeup stylist" morning in our house...I say morning because usually it happens right before getting ready for school. Gotta love our growing girls :)
