Day 141: I'm in VEGAS!!!!! My much anticipated trip for my Grandpa's 90th birthday has arrived. How cool is it that my Grandpa wanted to celebrate this monumental occasion with a trip to Vegas & LA to be on the Price is Right?!?! I'm so glad to be a part of a family who would do these crazy things! Pictured above is my amazing "Papa", Fred Giddy. He's the youngest 90 year old you'll ever meet. He's a huge inspiration to me and Tio. Papa was a chiropractor and graduated from Palmer in the '40's. We are so proud to carry on his "chiropractic heritage"...side note: if one of our kids becomes a chiropractor someday, they'll be 4th generation (my papa, my dad, & Tio are all chiropractors!). Happy Birthday, Papa!!!!

Day 142: Actually, I'm not sure which day this was taken on! All the days blend together in Vegas! This is my mom & my sister & I in one of the very cool casino shopping malls. The shopping in Vegas is awesome, who knew?!?

Day 143: 1st night in Hollywood! Here is a shot of the whole fam! Isn't it awesome that all of these people came out to celebrate my grandpa's birthday! 13 of us traveled from the east coast, and we met up with 7 more family members who live in CA. We had quite the birthday bash!

Day 144: Today we film the PRICE IS RIGHT! This is a shot of the CBS studio that we will be filming at. They also shoot American Idol and Dancing with the stars here. This whole process is so cool...I can't believe we actually made it here!

Day 145: Another shot of Hollywood! We're at the Grauman's Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. This is Marilyn Monroe's handprints!

Day 146: My trip is coming to an end...it is almost time for me to return home to my life as a stay-at-home-mom in small town Pennsylvania....I must leave Vegas and Hollywood behind, but before I do, I had to include 1 shot of my family. It's been a long time since we've all been together, and I'm so glad we could do it for such a happy occasion!

Day 147: Look what I get to return home to....Claire's first dance recital! I made it home in the nick of time...I'm so glad I didn't miss this! Our beautiful dancer did a wonderful job on stage! I think SHE may be headed to Hollywood someday!!!!!