Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Project 365: Week 20

Day 134: Off to a birthday party at the dance studio! Our friend Calleigh is celebrating her 5th birthday, and the girls can't wait to celebrate with her!

Day 135: The floor is in!!!! It looks so good! We were torn on which flooring to go with in the reception area, but I'm thrilled with what we picked and how it turned out! It's amazing what a difference the flooring makes!

Day 136: 1st trip to the dentist! This is Claire's first official trip to the dentist. She's been before to have her teeth counted, but this time she had them cleaned and checked. And guess what....NO cavities!!!

Day 137: It's the end of pre-school! Tonight was the "graduation" program for Claire's class. She looked so grown up on the stage! I can't believe this year has gone so fast! She is ready for Kindergarten!!!

Day 138: On the last day of preschool, we celebrated with "pet day"...since the only pets we have are turtles and a goldfish, our friend "Tex" got to join Claire in class today. The kids seemed to like him, but no body volunteered to hold him except for Claire!

Day 139: It's the end of the Brownie year! Emma is officially a "Junior" girl scout now! It has been a fun year as the leader of this great group of girls! I'm sure they have many more adventures ahead of them as Juniors!

Day 140: It's the Cumberland Life Festival! This is a special day that the 8th grade students put on for the whole school. They research and present how life would have been in the Cumberland Valley in the 1800's. Emma loved learning about the Underground Railroad and square dancing!

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