Day 15: HERE WE GO! This week started with a BANG! It was time to cheer the
Steelers to victory over the Baltimore Ravens on Saturday! We watched the game with our fellow
Steeler fans, the Wrights, and what an exciting game it was! Next week...
Steelers vs. Jets in the AFC Championship!

Day 16: We spent Sunday at Emma's horse show...although, you can see from the picture that the highlight of the day was spending time with the new pug puppies that were born at the horse farm! Emma LOVES these little guys, and spends time with them every time she has a riding lesson. The horse show was great. Emma took home a 1st and 2
nd place ribbon in her walk/trot classes!

Day 17: Check out the new back-splash!
Tio was very busy over the weekend and finished this phase of our kitchen remodel. I LOVE how it turned out...he did an amazing job figuring out his pattern with the tumbled stone & slate tiles. Next appliances...then the kitchen will be complete!!!

Day 18: SNOW DAY! We got a bit of an ice storm Monday night, which meant no school on Tuesday. This is the BEST day to have a snow day because daddy is home on Tuesdays, too. We took a trip to the library and stocked up on good books. I captured this moment when we got home...Joey & Emma doing their two favorite things:
LEGOS & READING. Notice that Joey is jamming to his tunes, too (that's a relatively new thing). Of course, Emma had finished her book before the day was done. Looks like we need to head back to the library ASAP!

Day 19: Another one bites the dust...Claire was the sick one today! No
pre-school for her, instead she got a day on the couch...which isn't such a bad thing every now and then!

Day 20: Practicing the these daily routines...before the hair is even brushed she's practicing her lesson! Emma and Joey are both taking lessons right now & showing improvement each week!

Day 21: Friday was the BIG DAY...double-birthday-slumber-party at the Paci house! Emma and her friend Bella share the same birthday, and they decided to have a party together. We had 8 girls over Friday night. It was our first attempt at hosting a slumber party...and it went off without a hitch! I think the girls got about 6 hours of sleep, from 11:30pm-5:30am (yes...5:30AM!) which is probably about the best you can hope for in a slumber party situation. Now we have the rest of the weekend to recuperate! One more milestone crossed for the Paci's...
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