Monday, February 21, 2011

Project 365: Week 7

Day 43: Ninja Birthday Party! Joey celebrated his 7th birthday with a party at his Karate Dojo! 23 kids had fun on the "ninja" obstacle course (don't fall in the lava!), defending the castle, playing extreme dragon tail, and of course ultimate karate dodge ball! It was a FUN party...perfect way for little boys to burn off energy on a cold winter day!

Day 44: Skiing at Whitetail! This was our first time out this year on skis, and what a beautiful day on the slopes!!! It's amazing that the kids don't forget anything from year to year...they just get better! Hopefully we can get out there again before the end of the season.

Day 45: Happy Valentine's Day! We had a day full of "sweet" surprises...topping it off with heart shaped hamburgers with pink mashed potatoes for dinner!

Day 46: Wrestling Banquet! We've spent a lot of time this year re-building the Jr. Wrestling team. It has been a lot of work, but a lot of fun, too. We were lucky enough to have the help of some really great families, so it was great to celebrate with them at our end of the season banquet. The kids all got trophies to commemorate their hard work. Way to go, Blue Devils, we can't wait for another great season next year!!!

Day 47: Pump it up!!! I love it when the kids have a day off of school...and it's even better when we plan to get together with friends. About 25 of our friends met us at Pump it up for a great day of jumping!!!

Day 48: Happy 7th Birthday, Joey!!! What better way to start your day than french toast with a candle in it?!? Check out the lung power this boy has...powdered sugar everywhere!!!

Day 49: 3-2-1 BLASTOFF!!! Joey got a rocket for his birthday (this was definitely his Dad's idea). Although the launch was a success...the landing was not! The rocket didn't survive it's maiden voyage, but the rocket scientists in the Paci house are not discouraged...they plan to rebuild and relaunch!!! I'm sure this is not the last you'll see of the rocket...

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