Day 72: We've got sprouts! The kids are growing MAMMOTH sunflowers for the garden this year, and the seeds are doing great! The package says that these babies can grow to be 12 feet tall....hmmmm....
Day 73: Today was a day for crafting. Emma loves to make these sun catchers, and she's gotten quite good at it, too! There is a bit of skill involved in this involves tweezers and a lot of patience. She's got quite a collection, now, one that I'm sure will continue to grow!

Day 74: GOOD-BYE CR-V!!! We sold our car today...and we were both a little sad to see it go. We bought this car brand new in 2002, just after Emma was born. It was our first "family" car. At one point (before we broke down and bought the mini-van) we had all three kids packed in the back seat of this car like little sardines. Oh, the memories...

Day 75: This boy takes his Jenga SERIOUSLY! Look at that concentration...the intensity...searching for the perfect piece to move without toppling the entire tower. It's a skill, I tell ya!
Day 76: Happy St. Patrick's Day! We were thrilled to see that a leprechaun stopped by our house and left us a box of Lucky Charms for breakfast...he even turned our milk GREEN!!!! What a prankster! We hope he liked all of the "leprechaun art" we've been making for the past week! 
Day 77: The "Spring Fling" event for the library was a BIG hit! We had so much fun & we helped a great cause! I'm anxious to hear how much money we've raised for the library fund! What a fun night!

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