Day 92: Let's go to the movies! We went to see "Hop" today. And we sat in the first row. The very first row. According to the kids, we had the best seat in the house! It was a cute flick & a great way to spend a rainy Saturday afternoon!

Day 93: We spent this Sunday afternoon baking cookies. Not for any reason. Just because. Because icing cookies is FUN...and it's even more fun when mom stands back and lets the kids have at it! And look at how great they turned out! Unfortunately, they were so delicious they didn't last long...

Day 94: I just had to take a picture of our back door. Can you tell that some very talented artists live here? I smile every time I come home and see these masterpieces!

Day 95: Can it be? Is my baby REALLY going to kindergarten?!? Well, it appears that way since we spent today at kindergarten registration. She did great! She seems very ready for school...we'll just see if mom is ready when the time really comes!
Day 96: Joey belt tested today...he's now an orange belt! He did a great job with his kata. We were all there to see him show his stuff. We're VERY proud of our karate kid!
Day 97: Claire had to bring in her birthday treat to school today, so we decided to make these cute little nests. We used white chocolate chips mixed with peanut butter to coat Chinese noodles and voila-nests! Cadbury eggs complete the look. I wonder if the pre-schoolers will actually eat them.....

Day 98: Getting ready for the BIG day...Claire turns 5 tomorrow, so we need to decorate her cake! Rainbow M&M's and marshmallow clouds...the Paci girls have designed a good one!