Day 85:
Brrrr....1st soccer game of the season! The "Icebreaker" tournament lived up to it's name! Emma's team did great, though, winning all three of their games and going home with the championship trophy! Great way to start the season!

Day 86: The sun will come out....tomorrow! We went to see the high school's production of "Annie" today. They did an awesome job, and left us singing the songs for the rest of the day!

Day 87: The cutest puppeteer of all! Claire made these bear puppets at
story time today, and insisted we set up the puppet theater when we got home. She's got a future in theater!

Day 88: Let's plan a party! Claire is turning 5 soon, and what better way to celebrate than a tumbling party at the dance studio! We need to get these invitations in the mail!

Day 89: Block city...our favorite thing to do at the library. While Emma and Joey are off searching for books, Claire makes herself busy building a city. The fun never ends....

Day 90: More "before" pictures of the office. The building is still underway...looking better and better each day!

Day 91:
Headbandz! We love this silly game. You have to try to figure out what your card says by asking "yes" or "no" questions. Hmmm.....this vaguely reminds me of a game I played in college...
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