Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

All decked out and ready to P-A-R-T-Y!!!
Notice the black & white coordination going on here?  That was due to the creativity of my good friend and ultimate New Year's Eve hostess extraordinaire, Nicole.  Love it. We looked fabulous ;)

Claire-bear almost conked out before the countdown, but after changing into jammies and getting all comfy, she made it all to midnight...then fell promptly to sleep in daddy's arms at 12:05.  She's a trooper!

Love ringing in the New Year with my sweet boy!  Can you tell he's itching to get back downstairs to his buddies and the video game controller?  Hmmm...I'll still grab a NYE squeeze from him while I still can!

Let the party begin!  After a 60 second countdown (yes, the kids all counted down from SIXTY), the noisemakers were blaring & this girl was lovin' every minute of it!

Happy New Year! !! 2011 brought us a new office, a new dog, and more good times than I can remember...we'll see what 2012 has in store!