We hit the road at 4am (yes, you heard me correctly). Tio thinks that leaving at 4am is the BEST idea ever, and I have to admit...this time he was right. We rolled onto the Cape at about 1pm & had the rest of the day to enjoy. We set up camp at Nickerson State Park (probably the prettiest place we have ever camped) grabbed our bikes and headed out on the Cape Cod Rail Trail.
Joe's new Hulk bike brings out the beast in him...and he was able to muscle through over 12 miles of riding!
The trail ran right through the entrance to the park, how convenient! The next day we drove up the cape to the Cape Cod National Sea Shore. We had plans to bike right to the beach, but the bridge that connects the bike trail to the shore was undergoing repairs, so we had to take a tram for part of the way instead. The beach was amazing...I think everything on Cape Cod is beautiful.
Look at this face! Pure excitement. Everything is so much more fun with kids!!!
The beach wiped us out, but the kids were still able to bike the 2 mile trail back to the car.
Of course, we stopped for seafood on the way back to our camp. I think the BEST part of Cape Cod is the food!
The kids had fun checking out this "little" guy at the fish market next to our restaurant...needless to say, they didn't order lobster!
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